Our drones take to the seas to provide comprehensive cleaning solutions for ships of all sizes. From hull maintenance to superstructure cleaning, our technology reduces the need for dry docking and manual labor, ensuring vessels meet the highest standards of cleanliness and efficiency without compromising on safety or time at sea.

Cleaning the exterior of maritime vessels is essential for maintaining their performance, safety, and longevity. Over time, ships accumulate salt, algae, barnacles, and other marine growth on their hulls, which can increase drag, reduce fuel efficiency, and lead to corrosion and structural damage. Regular cleaning of the vessel’s exterior helps prevent these issues, ensuring smoother navigation and reducing operational costs. Drone cleaning services offer a superior solution for this task compared to traditional methods. Drones can efficiently clean large vessels while they are docked or even at anchor, reaching difficult and dangerous areas without the need for scaffolding, divers, or extensive manual labor. This method is faster, more precise, and significantly safer, minimizing the risks associated with human involvement in hazardous maritime environments. Additionally, drone cleaning reduces downtime for the vessel, allowing for more continuous operation, ultimately contributing to lower maintenance costs and improved vessel performance.

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